Thursday 27 January 2011

Awwww, you look all pretty Cheryl

Cheryl looked very pretty last night in a £2,200 black Versace dress which revealed  some of her many tatts, these two of a large butterfly and tribal design.
Cole finished off her look with a pair of red shiny Christian Louboutin heels, hoop earrings and her signature flowing locks.
The star joined X Factor boss Simon Cowell and last year's winner Matt Cardle on stage to accept the award for Most Popular Talent Show for the ITV programme.

Either Elton's baby is in some way offensive or there's some serious homophobia going on here

Is little baby Zachary sticking a tiny, perfect finger up at the camera while snarling like Johnny Rotten?
Is Sir Elton John wearing a really gross, brightly-coloured outfit that would surely damage people's eyes if they caught a glimpse of it?
Does David Furnish have his willy out?
No. We've seen the full Us Magazine cover here, and Zachary's fast asleep, Elton's looking unusually conservative in a plain grey suit and, if David is trying to furnish the world with with his bare naked bits, they're thankfully just off camera.
Therefore, there's only one possibly explanation - Harps, a chain supermarket in Arkansas (that's in America, that big free world a mere swim away), thinks that "young shoppers" need to be "shielded" from the sight of two nice, rich, successful smiling people proudly showing off their gorgeous new baby.
But hang on a minute, cheesy family photos just like this one are on mag covers all the time. This makes absolutely no sense. Because it can't possibly be extreme homophobia, can it? It is the year 2011 after all. What sort of appalling message would that send out to vulnerable young people contemplating their sexuality, and indeed the world in general?
Sadly, this does seem to be the case. And suitably outraged humans are now urging other humans to complain about the extreme prejudice going on here and boycott Harps. We'll happily stop shopping at Harps - the closest branch to Canary Wharf is in Missouri, so it was always a bit of a trek for our microwave meals anyway - but we think it would be more of a powerful message if Elton and David themselves kicked up a stink about this ridiculousness.
Hideous, isn't it?

I'll Sign....

Hang on, David Beckham's not talking about a marriage certificate? Or a course of couples massage sessions? Or a dating website where he's the only available man? This is just about the small matter of people being urged to register for Olympics tickets by clicking on this link here?
Still, those Olympics bods are clever - they know full well that most of us are putty in David's hands. Speaking of David's hands, why does he have perfectly manicured nails on one and a creepy leather glove on the other?

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Boring...Boring...Justin Beiber...Boring

Doesn’t Justin Bieber have enough magazine covers? What more does he possibly have to say? “Life is amazing, love your friends, support your mom, I like Twitter, Usher’s my mentor…” oh FUCKBOG OFF.

PS We like that we have to credit the stylist – great work with the blue collar. It’s ‘up’ and everything.

PPS Just realised that it says 'THE BEAUTIFUL ONE' under his name. I think that someone needs thier eyes testing...

Can You Go Away Please...Like, Now

We haven’t seen or heard from the wreck that is Heidi Montag for quite some time and we haven’t missed her. The last time she desperately did something for attention was when she showed us those scars from her 364 (or something) operations she had in one day – willingly.
And now we get to hear her actual voice, singing, well, the opening of her mouth as it made a noise anyway… that’s if it’s actually her.  
If you have a touch of the masochist about you, then click here and subject yourself to the awfulness that is Heartbeat (it’s not a cover of the theme to the depressing Sunday night drama).
It’s not really possible to hear much of what she’s saying (we picked up “don’t touch me” and “can you feel my heartbeat” and can only think it was directed at plastic surgeons), but she might like to lay off sucking the helium before she tries to sing again. Or just go away forever. Please.

Britney's New Video=EPIC

It’s embarrassing how swept up in the Britney hype we seem to find ourselves. We do love a comeback – and this latest Britney one is proving to be very exciting indeed. 
Britney’s new single Hold It Against Me is so amazing that it’s already set to be number one and she hasn’t even recorded the video. But, let’s not have a meltdown and shave our heads and hit a car with an umbrella, she’s on the set right now.
She wrote on Twitter: “Such an incredible experience. I think this will be one of the best videos I have ever done. –Brit.
And added: “Day 2 is a wrap! #HIAM video coming soon.... – Britney”
Britney also tweeted this picture, where she’s got well nice hair and surrounded by microphones, suggesting that her video has something to do with having well nice hair and being surrounded by microphones. EPIC
Sorry for the crappy quality

Monday 24 January 2011

Desperate is NEVER a good Look

Cheryl Cole's suspected boyfriend Derek Hough is reportedly "desperate" to marry Chezza, despite the 27-year old telling him she would never marry again.
According to the Daily Star,(whatever) the Cheryl has allegedly left the dancer "heartbroken" after she told him that after her failed marriage to Cashley, a wedding will not be on the cards. 
A 'source' has now told the tabloid: "Cheryl has told Derek point blank that she won’t marry him. They’ve been talking a lot recently about what the future holds for them."
"Cheryl has told Derek she loves him and wants to settle down and start a family. But she’s made it quite clear that it won’t involve a wedding,”
The friend continued: “She’s been permanently scarred by her marriage break-up with Ashley and can’t face going through ANOTHER divorce.”
"Derek has really been hit hard by Cheryl's change of heart. He is desperate to get married and settle down.   and she has told him that he's the man she wants to be with. But he had his hopes set on a really big wedding."
They added: "Derek's very traditional and grew up in a Mormon household where having children out of wedlock is absolutely not acceptable. He had a tough childhood himself and even moved to England to stay with a family friend when his own parents' marriage fell into difficulties.
"But rather than put him off marriage, his parents' own problems have just made him more determined to have a long and happy marriage."
Despite Cheryl allegedly refusing to marry Derek, reports have also suggested that the 25-year old is planning to quit US TV show, Dancing With The Stars, so he can spend more time with Chezza.
The new series of the dancing show is due to start in March - around the same time that Cole is due to move Stateside for her apparent role on the US version of The X Factor - and Hough wants to be by Cheryl's side when she arrives in Los Angeles.
A pal told The Mirror: "Derek is keen to move on. He has won the show three times and thinks it is time for a change. And he wants to be there to help Cheryl settle into her new life.”
Forget him Cheryl,

Willow Smith is AMAZING

We’re completely enthralled by Willow Smith – she’s insanely entertaining, but we can’t decide whether to be frightened or not.

Here's the 10 year old on the set of her new video for 21st Century Girl in LA yesterday and... yeah... colourful.

Although we’re loving the ridiculous hair and the ridiculous outfits and the ridiculous shoes – we feel a little worried that Willow’s going to take over the world. Before we know it, we’ll all be carrying her around like her those dancers. They probably weren’t even part of the music video.

It was a family day out, with brother Jaden and parents Will and Jada hanging about in the background. Mind, not that anyone was paying attention when Willow was breaking the rules of the road with 73 passengers piled into one funky car.

Oh and Jackie Chan was there. Which is weird. Apparently he’s a family friend, but it’s still weird.

Sad, Another Fairytale OVAH

Sadly the publicity stunt love story of Kayla Collins and Cashley Cole has ended because the Playboy whatever dumped him. We’re particularly devastated.

Even though she was recently going on about how quickly she’d fallen for him and was upset they couldn’t be together over Christmas and was going to move in with him (?), it seems Kayla’s decided she doesn’t want to be with someone who CHEATS ON HIS beautiful WIFE (allegedlydefinitely).

So now she’s done what celebrities do best and moved on immediately and what a fine specimen she’s got her claws into now - Mark from The Only Way Is Essex. Now there’s a man who’ll be faithful to her.

More Katie Price Stuff

While Jordan’s been away with strange men  (not odd, she just doesn’t know them), Alex has been whimpering to a “girl pal” about how he feels, which apparently is like a dog. Dogs lick their own bum – just saying.
“I feel like one of those puppies brought into the house for Christmas and chucked out a few weeks later,” he told girly pally, who then told The People, like all good friends do.
“I haven’t stopped crying for a month. When I began to fear that Katie wanted to end our marriage I was absolutely devastated. I didn’t want to split up with her. I love her. I clung on to the fact that it might not end.
“I hoped it wouldn’t and did everything I could to make it work. Like I say, Katie treated me like a dog. I feel like one of those unwanted ones.' They say a dog isn’t just for Christmas, don’t they?
“She had me while it suited her, then she changed her mind. It hurts a lot.” Female friend obviously knows shorthand.
Apparently he’s also upset about not seeing Jordan’s kids too, which is understandable, but he should probably just be grateful he won’t get his tail pulled anymore.
“I wanted to go away and see if we could get things to work again but it failed,” he said of their Christmas hol in the Maldives. “It’s sad to say we hadn’t been having sex for a while. A good few months in fact.”
We can’t imagine why. Desperation is so attractive after all.

Katie Price Stuff, But Really, Who Cares?

When we left Jordan on Friday afternoon, she’d just touched down in Switzerland – where she was set to launch a new equestrian line and spending a few days in a luxury chalet to chill out and get her head together.

But what happened? Jordan arrives, drinks vodka, heads to a club, mounts a polo player on the dance floor, drinks more vodka, mounts another polo player on the dancefloor, all on camera, splashed across newspapers, scandal, accusations, Alex Reid cries a lot.

Yes, after seeing his estranged wife with her legs wrapped around another man, a secret squirrel source said Alex spent yesterday texting Jordan: “Alex feels like a total mug and has sent Kate texts to this effect. He’s been ranting over the weekend and veering between tears and anger.

“Seeing these pictures, Alex is upset that she’s moved on so quickly. They have got a long way to go before things get civil.”

And while Alex was sending texts ‘I h8 u 4eva’ to Jordan’s no doubt pink crystallized phone, she was busy trotting in the snow, showing off her new equestrian range. But, being Jordan, it wasn’t that straight forward. No. She was wearing a new, different ring on her wedding ring finger.

Whether Jordan was making a statement, trying to trick us or simply wearing a ring that only fit that finger, it has well annoyed Alex. His gobby mate said: “The fact that she’s wearing a ring on her wedding finger is rubbing salt in the wound. Alex feels she’s mocking him and their marriage.”

Meanwhile, Jordan has defended the pictures of her sexy dancing, tweeting: “Let of steam friday after weeks of tension. Need to improve my dancing! All harmless and the only man for me is junior. Family time now.”

Um, what about Harvey?

Emma Bunton Gets Engaged

We might have been a little quicker off the mark with this story if we watched Dancing on Ice, but that’s just not something we’re prepared to do.
Anyway, last night, judge Emma Bunton announced her engagement to boyfriend of 352 11 years Jade Jones during the show.
Having sparked rumours by revealing her engagement ring at the start of the programme, Emma tweeted during the advert: “Yahooooo I'm Engaged! Love you Jade! I'm a very happy lady!!” 
Emma also posted this picture of the big sparkler, which we’d quite like for ourselves. She can keep Jade Jones, mind. Jade is a girls name. True fact.

Friday 21 January 2011

Can you spot the fundamental problem with this advert?

The slogan on Peta’s latest advertising campaign is true, my doggies make me smile all the time... 
So in that case, why didn’t the animal charity use a cute creature instead of an irritating little twat with a huge fringe?

Katy Perry announces American Tour

We like Katy Perry – she’s nice to look at and generally pretty funny – but watching this video of the singer announcing her American tour at Facebook HQ is torture.

She speaks in an excited, high pitched voice for over half an hour (there’s no time bar, but it felt like a very, very long time) about herself. Watching anyone, even your best mate, talking in an excited, high pitched for half an hour would be irritating, so we’re not sure why Katy did such a loooong interview with founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister Randi. Who, frankly, is a giggling goon.

It must have had something to do with Katy’s tour being integrated with Facebook – for example, fans can check into the shows with Facebook places to see if any of their mates will be there.

The disorganised chat was streamed live on Facebook, with Katy answering questions about the tour. And, unless you have a spare thirty minutes, we should probably do you a favour and just tell you the three most interesting parts: 1) Like Katy’s album, the tour will be scented of sweets 2) Marina and The Diamonds is one of the support acts and 3) It starts on June 7 in Atlanta, if you happen to be on that side of town.

Have Rihanna and her mate Nicki Minaj started a ‘silly hair’ club?

If they have, they’re going to have to do something about that name – the Silly Hair Club is an awful title. If this already exists, oops and sorry.

Rihanna's BFF Nicki Minaj is in London at the moment, aiming to crack at UK market. She’s bloody huge in America (she has over two million Twitter followers) – so doing gigs at student nightclubs like Oceana can’t be much fun.

Sunday 16 January 2011

I Think That I am Going To Cry...Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole will not return to The X Factor, Louis Walsh has revealed.

Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole will not return to The X Factor, Louis Walsh has revealed.
The Irish star said two new judges would be brought in to replace the departing pair, confirming speculation that Cheryl will join Simon on the judging panel of the new American X Factor: “It will be me and Dannii on the UK show with two more people,” Louis said.
Although Cheryl’s slot on the US judging panel is yet to be confirmed, the strongest indication came this week from a boss at the Fox network, which will air the show in the States: “If Cheryl was to be on the show, I think she’s proved she’s a terrific judge” Fox head of entertainment Peter Rice said. “She has wonderful chemistry with Simon.”
An ITV insider told News of the World that the network is keen to have Cheryl appear on both shows consecutively, but that seems unlikely: “It will be a disaster if they both go. The bosses are desperate to find a way around it but it will be such a huge commitment being on both shows.
“Simon’s priority is making the US X Factor the biggest TV show in the world. Cheryl wants to have a life. She doesn’t want to spend two days a week on flights across the Atlantic.”

Cher Lloyd To Change Her Image For America?

Cher Lloyd To Change Her Image For America? 
Cher LLoyd will undergo a make-over to help her career in America, claim sources close to the singer.
The former X Factor star - who came fourth overall in the show last year - is currently in the US working with big name producers like RedOne and Will.I.Love.Cheryl.More.Than.U.Do.Derek
But insiders say her label hope to change Cher's style to make her more appealing to American fans.
"Cher is a star in the making - there's been a buzz about her in the US," one source tells the Mirror, before adding that Lloyd is reluctant to take the advice of a stylist.
"A few tweaks of her image and she'll be good to go," they added, "but Cher's her own woman and doesn’t want a stylist."

Are Marvin & Rochelle Together again?

A QUICK glimpse at this picture and you could forgiven for thinking Rochelle (offof The Saturdays) is dating a 15th century knight.

But the man behind the chainmail hoodie is in fact her ex-boyfriend Marvin. (the fit one offof JLS)
The JLS star did his best to shield his face as the couple, who split in November last year, left the Saturday's rehearsal studios.
Now I'm not usually one to speculate, but it looks to me like they're back together.
Official sources say the couple have remained friends after their break up, which they blamed on their busy work schedules.
That's all well and good, but why hide your faces when your picture is being taken?
Marvin and Rochelle later headed out to FRANKIE SANDFORD's birthday party at China White.
I wonder if the club's dress code allows armour?...

All good in the hood ... Marvin
All good in the hood ... Marvin

Jordan Has Now Released a Statement About a Statement

So, all week I've been waiting for the statement confirming that Jordan and Alex's marriage is as dead as her eyes. Instead, I've just received this from her PR:
"It is true Alex and Kate discussed a statement last week. Alex asked Katie not to release it as he wanted more time to discuss matters and come to terms with their situation. Katie has agreed this out of respect to Alex and because she does not want to hurt him."
What can I conclude from this?
1. Jordan wants to split up and Alex isn't so sure.
2. Alex has just received "respect" for the first time in his entire life.
3. Jordan wants recognition for not being a total bitch.
4. These are human beings, with genuine fragile emotions. Well, one of them is, anyway.
5. The whole thing is ridiculous.
I like 5 best

Saturday 15 January 2011

Rebecca's Hats are HOT

Rebecca Ferguson
Feathered ... Rebecca wore an unusual hat to Twickenham Stadium
And yesterday was no different, as the singer was snapped in a strange ruffled black trilby in Liverpool.

The single mum, who came second to Matt Cardle in the reality series, had popped out to San Carlo's restaurant in her home town.
Apart from her odd frilly hat, the rest of Rebecca's outfit was still stylish.
She kept up her signature classic style in a red shift dress, charcoal grey wraparound coat and black shoes.

Rebecca Ferguson
Fascinator ... Rebecca
Rebecca's made several appearances since The X Factor ended in December after becoming popular on the show.

And she has displayed her love for unusual headwear at many of the events she's attended.
She donned a blue hat with long features attached as she performed at Twickenham Stadium along with champ Matt, 27, last month.
She also wore a flowery fascinator headband when she sang at the London International Boat Show last Friday.
Rebecca, who was mentored by Cheryl Cole on the programme, had teamed the pretty accessory up with her floor-length golden floaty frock.
The 24-year-old has also been signed to Simon Cowell's record label

Derek Hough tells Cheryl Cole to stop texting Ashley

Cheryl Cole is reportedly texting ex-husband Ashely Cole every day – much to the annoyance of rumoured current shagger who is probably gay 'boyfriend' Derek Hough. (how do you pronounce Hough?)

The singer holidayed (is that a word? oh okay) in South Africa over the new year with Hough,(do you say it like cough?) and is said to have kept in constant contact with her love rat footballer ex, who she divorced last year amid allegations he had slept with filthy hoes been unfaithful.

A gobby source said 'Cheryl still talks to Ashley on a constant basis and they've been texting practically every day. It's driving Derek mad. He's told her, 'Enough is enough'. Derek is so frustrated. The other night she stayed up messaging Ashley and he kept calling her mobile as they tried to sleep. Derek can't settle down with Cheryl unless Ashley is totally cut out.'

Justin Beiber made me Laugh

HEARTBROKEN Alex Reid is refusing to sign legal documents confirming his marriage to Katie Price is over.

The warring couple sat down with a lawyer at her mansion days ago to draw up a statement announcing their separation after just 11 months.

But tearful Alex, 35, broke down when asked to put pen to paper and "begged" the glamour girl to let him remind her why they first fell in love.

Katie refused, but that didn't stop Alex forking out a fortune on lavish Christmas gifts for Jordan - and she gave him SHIRTS in return.

The cage fighter spent £5,000 on designer clothes, perfume and a hand-picked hamper of the glamour girl's favourite food.

Split ... Jordan signed separation announcement 

But he was shocked when she handed him the shirts - which pals said he "hated". He and busty Jordan have since seen their marriage reach the brink.

A source said: "Alex spent thousands on Katie at Christmas with some really thoughtful gifts.

"She paid for their holiday, some gym clothes and some horrible shirts which he hates. He was gutted that she'd gone to so little trouble. Alex also gave her a beautiful horse-head necklace in diamonds on their wedding day - and she bought him nothing."

Gifts ... Jordan got designer gear, horse necklace and a hand-picked hamper of her favourite food
Gifts ... Jordan got designer gear, horse necklace and a hand-picked hamper of her favourite food

Also the couple argued furiously over Christmas after Alex learned his missus had pulled out of IVF sessions aimed at helping them have their first child.

He was also rocked by pictures of newly-blonde Katie on a flirty night out with boxer Amir Khan. The images are said to have convinced him his marriage was doomed. Heartbroken Alex, who wed Katie in Las Vegas last February, has been sleeping in a spare room at her mansion in Woldingham, Surrey.

But when faced with a prepared statement formally announcing they had split, he broke down in tears and REFUSED to sign. Alex was said to have begged his wife for a chance to rekindle their romance, to no avail.

The source said: "The situation is verging on the ridiculous. Everything was agreed on the wording of the statement and the separation at the weekend. It was simple enough. A few lines saying the marriage hadn't worked out, they wished each other well and they wouldn't be saying anything further.

"Katie signed the papers but, when it came to Alex, he broke down and cried. He wouldn't do it. He was livid about the Amir Khan business, but wanted to prove he was the bigger man. He still thinks, given time, he could remind her why they fell in love in the first place. He's a broken man - he can't believe it hasn't worked out."

Jordan, with three children by previous partners, has also cut off her husband financially.

She had been funding his publicity, but has refused to cover the bills since Christmas. Alex is now relying on his brother Rupert as he can't afford professional representation.

Cheryl's New House is AMAZING

Cheryl Cole, 27 (wow, old) is now a proud owner of a Beverley Hills property, which is part of the 42-storey Century building that has four acres of private gardens, boasts an in-built cinema, a private 74 ft pool, wine cellar and is protected by 24-hour security, to keep away nutters. And it cost 3.5 MILLION US dollars.. so jealous, so jealous, so jealous...

Friday 14 January 2011

CHERYL Cole has been hailed as a "terrific" X Factor judge by a top US TV boss.

  And her "wonderful" chemistry with Simon Cowell will help The X Factor USA beat American Idol, he added.
Fox Networks group chairman of entertainment Peter Rice praised Chezza - although no official announcement has been made on her £3million judging deal.
Rice said: "If Cheryl was to be on the show, she's proved that she's a terrific judge.
"She has wonderful chemistry with Simon."
Rice, speaking at a TV critics' convention in California, said the the final judges' line-up is still being decided.

Poor(rich) Old(Young) Justin Beiber


The (little) lad, aged nearly 7 and a half was rushed to hospital in California on Wednesday night after suffering an allergic reaction on the set of telly show CSI.
The pop star experienced breathing problems at the end of a day's filming in Burbank and was taken to Providence St. Joseph's Hospital.
The teen titan's spokesperson confirmed the hospital visit, telling fans Justin was treated and discharged an hour later.
He said: "He's fine now and back on set."
"Justin had a mild allergic reaction while they were wrapping up last night on the set of CSI.
"His doctor met him at the hospital to make sure everything was okay. He was released within the hour after his doctor declared him fine. He is back on set working today (Thursday). All is well."


What else can you say?

Cher Lloyd Hits LA

Seeing as she only came fourth in last year's X Factor competition, Cher Lloyd isn't doing too badly for herself.
The 17-year-old has flown from Miami (where she was working with producer Red One), to Los Angeles to meet with Will.i.Am.
Despite the airline losing her suitcase, Cher seems to be enjoying herself on the West Coast, cheering herself up by going on a shopping spree.
Dressed in a checked shirt and Doc Marten boots, Cher hit the shops at the Beverly Center in Beverly Hills.
It is though that the teen bought an Apple iPad, some MAC cosmetics and refreshed herself with an iced Starbucks drink.
Not bad for a days 'work'!

This REALLY isn't news...

Kim Kardashian is very, very, very, very, very (very, very, very ect...) attractive and if you don’t agree you’re either a)not looking at the right picture or b)keeping your eyes closed, in which case you won’t be able to read this anyway. Unless you’ve got that software that reads words out loud...or something....
The End.

It's OK, Just Calm Down

There appears to be a limit to how much trash talking Jordan can take on Twitter – she’s just snapped again. After being criticised by her followers over some story about her secretly contatcing Peter Andre – Jordan decided to hit back. By the way, I realise that I'm being melodramatic and I bloody love it.
She tweeted: “I’m not answering any questions about what's in mags and newspapers as all the nasty comments I'm getting you seem to think you know truth.”
It’s always exciting when a celebrity takes the bait. That probably makes us bad people, but thanks to Jordan’s other tweet, we feel like we’ve grown a little in the last few minutes.
She added: “People should focus on being positive not negative always give someone a compliment everyday, that will make somebodys day!I have best fansx”


Here are the nominations in full:
Mark Ronson
Paul Weller
Plan B
Robert Plant
Tinie Tempah
Cheryl Cole
Ellie Goulding
Laura Marling
Paloma Faith
Ellie Goulding
Mumford & Sons
Tinie Tempah
The xx
Biffy Clyro
Mumford & Sons
Take That
The xx
Alexandra Burke ft Pitbull - All Night Long
Cheryl Cole - Parachute
Florence & The Machine - You've Got The Love
Matt Cardle - When We Collide
Olly Murs - Please Don't Let Me Go
Plan B - She Said
Scouting for Girls - This Ain't A Love Song
Taio Cruz - Dynamite
Tinie Tempah - Pass Out
The Wanted - All Time Low
Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
Plan B - The Defamation of Strickland Banks
Take That - Progress
Tinie Tempah - Disc-Overy
The xx - XX
Bruce Springsteen
Cee Lo Green
David Guetta
Kanye West
Alicia Keys
Katy Perry
Kylie Minogue
Bruno Mars
Glee Cast
Justin Bieber
The National
The Temper Trap
Arcade Fire
Black Eyed Peas
Kings of Leon
The Script
Vampire Weekend
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
Cee Lo Green - The Lady Killer
Eminem - Recovery
Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
Kings of Leon - Come Around Sundown
Jessie J
James Blake
The Vaccines
Ethan Johns
John Leckie
Markus Dravs
Mike Pela
Stuart Price

Thursday 13 January 2011

Yes, this is just a photo

Add caption

Sad News Keira Knightley and Rupert Friend Split

According to Keira Knightley’s dad, his daughter and Rupert Friend have decided to call it a day after five years. I don’t know why it had to come from Keira’s dad (He's called Will, in case you care...), but he apparently told the Scum  Sun: “Yes, they have broken up.
“But that's the way things go, unfortunately. The only option is to get on with things.
“They were together for quite a long time and it is always hard breaking up. She's focused on her work.”

Apparently, Keira and Rupert mutually decided to end their relationship before Christmas, but no one realised because they both look miserable all the time anyway.

Look, NEW hair

Rihanna has got new hair!!!! Wow, celeb scandal of the year!!! But is very nice, look, it's all red and straight and sexy and I WANT HAIR LIKE THAT... please?
Just look at the photo

Thursday 6 January 2011

I havent felt this sorry for Cheryl Cole since her husband appered on the cover of the paper in his pants

Justin Beiber, 16, is being lined up for his own guest spot in the new series of Glee - but says he will only appear if Cheryl also gets a chance.
He said: "I am going to tell the producers that it must be in the agreement that Cheryl gets a part in the show as well.
"Cheryl and the show make total sense. It's all about people who look good and can sing and dance - that's totally Cheryl."

Top of the class ... Cheryl Cole
Top of the class ... Cheryl Cole

He said: "I have told her every time I have seen her that as soon as she lands in the US for The X Factor I am going to work with her. (what about if she doesn't want to work with you, eh? Aye you didn't think that through did you? And Cheryl, please don't, just don't. If you do i will go out to TESCO straight away and buy Nadine's album...)
"Glee is a great way to introduce her to the States - everybody is watching it."
The teen added: "She looks beautiful, but I am not sure she could quite get away with playing a student. It would be great if she played a substitute teacher taking a sabbatical from England or something.
"Can you imagine how hot Cheryl would look dressed as a school teacher?"
No Justin, that is only hot in your weird little mind...

Cheryl Cole has given a very interesting interview...

She told this month’s Elle magazine: “I have taken so much s**t, I’ve stopped listening to other people. I have had enough.
“There's only so much you can cope with and then you either allow it to swallow you up or you say, "Sod this". I have had it with negativity and bitchiness. 
“I want people to like my music but I couldn't give a s**t about what they think of me. Take it or leave it. I do not care.” 
Hmm, not how she dealt with the Wagner situation, mind, is it? She had a go at him, live on telly.
Cheryl also says that she can’t stand looking at pictures of herself, which my brain is too small/cynical to understand/believe. She said: “My confidence has never hit such an all-time low as it has this last year. It feels really bad. I don’t look at pictures of myself. I can’t.”

You should, Cheryl, you’re really missing out.

Cher and Karim sitting in a tree...

Cher Lloyd offof Xfactor has got herself a boy. His name is Karim Awww, how Cuuute....
Cher was introduced to by her X Factor buddy Paije Richardson (1. i thaught everyone hated her, when did she last have buddys? 2. have you forgotten Paij already, cos i had.). And apparently they've been dating since just before Christmas and are proper into each other
I'm not quite sure wether he's meant to be her 'secret' boyfriend or not, but by the looks of these tweets, that guy hasn't quite grasped the meaning of the word 'secret' I mean, look at these tweets...
"I'm lucky to have the girlfriend I have!"
"Lol @Paijerichardson gave me a @CherLloyd substitute for when I miss her! What a lovely guy"
"She's like a drug!!! I need her!!"
"My new girl isn't even scared of spiders! HA top that! BEEECHES!"
"Woah! I'm actually scared how much I like her!! Is this sane?"
"I miss you! I LIKE you!"
"Blah. . . I'm hers! She's mine! Like! I'm deep in like!"
Aww, he's such a romantic...

But THIS is life changing...

Kristen Stewart was at the People’s Choice Awards (with Rob and Taylor in tow) and genuinely appeared to be having a lovely time. It may have had something to do with the fact Twilight won four awards, including favourite movie, or maybe she’s just made it her new year's resolution not to be a miserable, spoiled brat in 2011. Either way, she looks quite pretty when she smiles...

So that didn't last long, did it?

The world spiralled into oblivion was mildly shocked when Jordan confirmed yesterday (what we’d all kind of guessed AGES ago) that her marrage was in crisis. On no, call the urmm marrage poilce (is there such a thing? no, okay then)  And it sounds like Alex doesn’t have long to prove himself – Jordan is planning to announce their formal separation next month. Brilliant, what a huge surprise...
Apparently, Katie Price/Jordan/Whatever told her friends she’s determined to wait until they’d been married a full year before ending things with Alex. A whole year, even the Cole's marrage lasted longer than that.
“Alex is still madly in love with his wife – or the missus as he insists on calling her – and their new year Maldives break was his idea. But they both know the writing is on the wall"
aww, what a pity

sorry guys...

Sorry, i haven't been on here for ages, but i'm hoping that now i can be more regular with my posts, and more u to date on the gossip too
Your Fariy Gossipmother

Monday 3 January 2011

Wow, my first post

Wow, this is my first ever blog, and this is my first ever post, and I'm going to start as i mean to go on, and make this post very short and sweet.
On this blog I am going to write my opinions, views and comments on the latest gossip and celebrity news, but I am going to tel it in my own unique style... so I hope you lot enjoy reading my blog...
Love you
Your Fairy Gossipmother