Saturday 15 January 2011

Derek Hough tells Cheryl Cole to stop texting Ashley

Cheryl Cole is reportedly texting ex-husband Ashely Cole every day – much to the annoyance of rumoured current shagger who is probably gay 'boyfriend' Derek Hough. (how do you pronounce Hough?)

The singer holidayed (is that a word? oh okay) in South Africa over the new year with Hough,(do you say it like cough?) and is said to have kept in constant contact with her love rat footballer ex, who she divorced last year amid allegations he had slept with filthy hoes been unfaithful.

A gobby source said 'Cheryl still talks to Ashley on a constant basis and they've been texting practically every day. It's driving Derek mad. He's told her, 'Enough is enough'. Derek is so frustrated. The other night she stayed up messaging Ashley and he kept calling her mobile as they tried to sleep. Derek can't settle down with Cheryl unless Ashley is totally cut out.'

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