Tuesday 25 January 2011

Britney's New Video=EPIC

It’s embarrassing how swept up in the Britney hype we seem to find ourselves. We do love a comeback – and this latest Britney one is proving to be very exciting indeed. 
Britney’s new single Hold It Against Me is so amazing that it’s already set to be number one and she hasn’t even recorded the video. But, let’s not have a meltdown and shave our heads and hit a car with an umbrella, she’s on the set right now.
She wrote on Twitter: “Such an incredible experience. I think this will be one of the best videos I have ever done. –Brit.
And added: “Day 2 is a wrap! #HIAM video coming soon.... – Britney”
Britney also tweeted this picture, where she’s got well nice hair and surrounded by microphones, suggesting that her video has something to do with having well nice hair and being surrounded by microphones. EPIC
Sorry for the crappy quality

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