Tuesday 25 January 2011

Can You Go Away Please...Like, Now

We haven’t seen or heard from the wreck that is Heidi Montag for quite some time and we haven’t missed her. The last time she desperately did something for attention was when she showed us those scars from her 364 (or something) operations she had in one day – willingly.
And now we get to hear her actual voice, singing, well, the opening of her mouth as it made a noise anyway… that’s if it’s actually her.  
If you have a touch of the masochist about you, then click here and subject yourself to the awfulness that is Heartbeat (it’s not a cover of the theme to the depressing Sunday night drama).
It’s not really possible to hear much of what she’s saying (we picked up “don’t touch me” and “can you feel my heartbeat” and can only think it was directed at plastic surgeons), but she might like to lay off sucking the helium before she tries to sing again. Or just go away forever. Please.

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