Saturday 15 January 2011

HEARTBROKEN Alex Reid is refusing to sign legal documents confirming his marriage to Katie Price is over.

The warring couple sat down with a lawyer at her mansion days ago to draw up a statement announcing their separation after just 11 months.

But tearful Alex, 35, broke down when asked to put pen to paper and "begged" the glamour girl to let him remind her why they first fell in love.

Katie refused, but that didn't stop Alex forking out a fortune on lavish Christmas gifts for Jordan - and she gave him SHIRTS in return.

The cage fighter spent £5,000 on designer clothes, perfume and a hand-picked hamper of the glamour girl's favourite food.

Split ... Jordan signed separation announcement 

But he was shocked when she handed him the shirts - which pals said he "hated". He and busty Jordan have since seen their marriage reach the brink.

A source said: "Alex spent thousands on Katie at Christmas with some really thoughtful gifts.

"She paid for their holiday, some gym clothes and some horrible shirts which he hates. He was gutted that she'd gone to so little trouble. Alex also gave her a beautiful horse-head necklace in diamonds on their wedding day - and she bought him nothing."

Gifts ... Jordan got designer gear, horse necklace and a hand-picked hamper of her favourite food
Gifts ... Jordan got designer gear, horse necklace and a hand-picked hamper of her favourite food

Also the couple argued furiously over Christmas after Alex learned his missus had pulled out of IVF sessions aimed at helping them have their first child.

He was also rocked by pictures of newly-blonde Katie on a flirty night out with boxer Amir Khan. The images are said to have convinced him his marriage was doomed. Heartbroken Alex, who wed Katie in Las Vegas last February, has been sleeping in a spare room at her mansion in Woldingham, Surrey.

But when faced with a prepared statement formally announcing they had split, he broke down in tears and REFUSED to sign. Alex was said to have begged his wife for a chance to rekindle their romance, to no avail.

The source said: "The situation is verging on the ridiculous. Everything was agreed on the wording of the statement and the separation at the weekend. It was simple enough. A few lines saying the marriage hadn't worked out, they wished each other well and they wouldn't be saying anything further.

"Katie signed the papers but, when it came to Alex, he broke down and cried. He wouldn't do it. He was livid about the Amir Khan business, but wanted to prove he was the bigger man. He still thinks, given time, he could remind her why they fell in love in the first place. He's a broken man - he can't believe it hasn't worked out."

Jordan, with three children by previous partners, has also cut off her husband financially.

She had been funding his publicity, but has refused to cover the bills since Christmas. Alex is now relying on his brother Rupert as he can't afford professional representation.

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