Friday 14 January 2011

It's OK, Just Calm Down

There appears to be a limit to how much trash talking Jordan can take on Twitter – she’s just snapped again. After being criticised by her followers over some story about her secretly contatcing Peter Andre – Jordan decided to hit back. By the way, I realise that I'm being melodramatic and I bloody love it.
She tweeted: “I’m not answering any questions about what's in mags and newspapers as all the nasty comments I'm getting you seem to think you know truth.”
It’s always exciting when a celebrity takes the bait. That probably makes us bad people, but thanks to Jordan’s other tweet, we feel like we’ve grown a little in the last few minutes.
She added: “People should focus on being positive not negative always give someone a compliment everyday, that will make somebodys day!I have best fansx”

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