Thursday 6 January 2011

So that didn't last long, did it?

The world spiralled into oblivion was mildly shocked when Jordan confirmed yesterday (what we’d all kind of guessed AGES ago) that her marrage was in crisis. On no, call the urmm marrage poilce (is there such a thing? no, okay then)  And it sounds like Alex doesn’t have long to prove himself – Jordan is planning to announce their formal separation next month. Brilliant, what a huge surprise...
Apparently, Katie Price/Jordan/Whatever told her friends she’s determined to wait until they’d been married a full year before ending things with Alex. A whole year, even the Cole's marrage lasted longer than that.
“Alex is still madly in love with his wife – or the missus as he insists on calling her – and their new year Maldives break was his idea. But they both know the writing is on the wall"
aww, what a pity

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