Friday 25 March 2011

Cheryl looks all pretty

Cheryl Cole looked all pretty whilst posing on the red carpet yesterday with Kimberly Walsh. The reason for this is so she can get her photo taken with Prince Charles...or something...

Saturday 12 March 2011

New Rihanna Song

Rihanna has announced the title of her next single – Califonia King Bed.  The song is the fourth single to be lifted from her fifth studio album Loud.

The track was chosen by fans from a shortlist posted by Rihanna on social networking site Twitter.  Califonia King Bed beat other songs Man Down, Cheers and Fading in the fan vote.
The song was produced by The Runners, who are currently working with X Factor star Cher Lloyd on her debut album.  Producer DJ Nasty (what a crap name) broke the news to his followers on Twitter, tweeting:  “Congratz 2 My Team We Winning! The Real Runners Did Rihanna’s Official Next Single! ‘California King Bed’.”
No release date has been set for this single, the follow-up to Rihanna’s controversial S& joke
Cher Lloyd's boyfriend was caught cheating on her while she was in America.

Cher's delighted. She's been trying to impersonate Cheryl Cole from day one.

Nadine Coyle

Nadine Coyle (the northen irish one offof Girls Aloud) has claimed that she was bullied by her fellow band members...
I wonder what's harder to take, being kicked out of a hugely sucessful band, or being bullied by a ginge...

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Naughty LiLo

Pictures and video have emerged from Lindsay Lohan’s trip to the jewellers on January 22nd – the day she was accused of stealing a necklace worth £1500.
In the video, Lindsay is seen trying on accessories at Kamofie & Co in LA, with one of her friends. During the 40 minute visit, Lindsay casually chats to the people in the store and wanders around looking at different bits and bobs.
Lindsay is then accused of walking out while wearing one of the pieces.
The CCTV has been leaked ahead of Lindsay’s next court hearing, where she’ll have to decide whether she wants to accept a plea.

Ha HA LOL JOKE...oh, really?

Apologies for using so many question marks and exclamation marks (I feel a bit like Posh Spice), but I feel a little hysterical about this, as sadly it's true - the readers of Metro (ah, that explains it - the pool of 10,000 voters consists entirely of people too hungover and depressed to form the conscious decision required to actually pay for a newspaper) have voted Leona the most influential woman to live or work in London in the last century.
Yep, London, England, a city with a population of, like, 8 million or something. Not London, Arkansas, population 925 (love you Wikipedia). Loads of amazing women live here. Hell, I live here. But no, apparently it's all about Leona. She beat that Mumsnet woman AND Margaret Thatcher.
Still, if nice, pleasant, bland Leona genuinely was the most infuential woman in London, there would be considerably less crime and misery and a lot more smiling people with nice shiny hair, singing power ballads, being kind to animals and wearing neon pencil skirts.... which actually sounds kind of cool. Leona for Mayor!

Look, a teeny tiny baby!!!!!!!!!!

In recent weeks, my eyes have been glued permanently to Posh's stomach (not literally, although it would look quite "fashion" and also a bit strange...) and now, finally, her usually concave tum has started to expand into a teeny little baby bump.
Hooray! I love teeny little baby bumps!
Whether the Beckham baby is, as has been reported, definitely a girl, or they end up with another willy in the house, it doesn't matter - it's all still VERY EXCITING. Not that you'd know it to look at Posh's face

BEWARE Sarah Harding is partying BEWARE

In a pretentious nightclub somewhere in London last night, Sarah Harding and Tom Crane celebrated their engagement with their ‘showbiz pals’, aka the least famous Girls Aloud members, Jo Wood and Jason Statham.
I’ve never managed to pin down a man long enough to force a ring on our finger, but isn’t having a party well over two months after the engagement a little self indulgent? This may be normal, like I say, I really do have no idea. 
Although I'm sure Sarah and Tom invited as many showbiz losers as possible, we wonder if they considered that putting Rosie Huntington Whitely and Jo Wood (Rosie dumped Ty Wood after two years) in the same room might cause a little tension?
Ah well, anything to distract from the fact Will Mellor was there...

Lily Allen talks about her eating disorder

When Lily Allen was at her skinniest in summer 2009, she looked like she'd never been happier but she's now revealed that she was bulimic at the time.
"There was a point... where I had an eating disorder, I used to vomit after meals," she reveals "It is not something I am proud of. But I tell you what, a lot of people used to come up to me and tell me how great I looked. And I was on the cover of every magazine with them saying ‘Lily is looking amazing look how much weight she has lost’. I thought I looked good. It was great to try on clothes and walk out of the shop feeling a million dollars but when you have been a victim of people saying the complete opposite, you want more of it. But I wasn’t happy, I really wasn’t."
Lily's also boldly put into words a feeling that most women will relate to: "I would like to be the skinniest, mini-est person in the world, but I know I can’t do that without being unhappy. I like my food."
Lily also says that her experience with eating disorders is one of the reasons she's not doing that whole music thang anymore: "People who are famous and successful and live in this mad world tend to die really early, or kill themselves, or die in a drugs overdose. I’d rather not so I figure I will go and eat. My idea of hell would be doing this in 25 years time. I don’t want to be like Madonna, look at her, she’s mental. No offence but that is not what drives me. I want to get married and have kids and make sandwiches cutting the crusts off."
We don't always agree with Lily's views, but we're with her on this one, and most definitely applaud her for being so honest (and pointing out that Madonna's well mental).

Monday 7 March 2011

You Look Happy

Is this why we never see pictures of Jordan smiling? Because she’s only genuinely happy when she’s running like an absolute goon, with her peepers squeezed shut and cheesy beats blaring out over her stupid headphones.
Jordan was running the half-marathon at Silverstone for charity yesterday and managed to finish the race despite having an injured knee.
She wrote on Twitter: “I had amazing day with AMAZING people running for charities my knee has gone again but we all completed it ill post pic of medals later.
“Well done everyone who ran the silverstone half marathon from what I saw you were all fantasic and helped me get through to the end.”
Jordan also took the opportunity to set straight a few rumours written in yesterday’s News of the World. It was reported that she came onto Jamie Foxx at the Oscars party in LA, with her angling for a kiss and passing the actor man her number.
But Jordan wrote on Twitter: “Such a shame a nice and innocent meeting with the charming gent jamie fox is turned into something sordid!!”
She added that she was sooooo not bovvered about stories written in the People about Alex Reid sleeping with someone else. Jordan wrote: “When The People called re Alex sleeping with sum girl my response was that what Alex does is no longer my concern.”
Right, is that everything? All the rumours out of the way? Tweets done with? No more silly pictures to laugh at? Good.

Awwww, poor Dougie McFly

Let’s hope Dougie Poynter (what a stuid name) isn’t allowed to read the papers in that posh rehab of his – on the same day it emerged the cute little McFly man I'd like to squeeze in a sexy way had taken himself off to the Priory, Frankie was snapped leaving a pretentious restaurant with her new boyfriend Wayne Bridge (who is a footballer, and therefor a utter wanker).
I'm guessing that Frankie wasn’t aware that Dougie was in rehab recovering from the stress of their break up, because she surely wouldn’t have gone out to a wanky nightspot (with such a wanky guy) otherwise. 
Before the story broke in yesterday’s papers, Tom McFly and Harry McFly explained the situation to their fans over Twitter.
Harry wrote: “Doug is in rehab. He's just taking some time out. He's fine and is so please dont worry. He can't wait for the tour!!! I'll send him your love.”
Tom added: “He’s just been having a tough time lately and needed a few weeks rest so he's fighting fit and ready to slap that bass for you on tour.”
And after visiting Dougie  who I'd like to rub up against sensually on Sunday, Harry said: “I’m questioning my life at the moment. We’re best friends.” 
This story makes me a bit sad – the McFly boys are nice and normal and I like them. Let’s go and stare at the sunshine for a bit. Not directly, that would be stupid...and anyway, we northeners don't like sunlight... 

You Almost Look Sober...

Looking sober and / or attractive is virtually impossible at 5.30am when you're leaving Balans bar in Soho. I know this from bitter experience.
Don't get too excited, I've got no idea if Nicola Roberts was dancing naked up and down the bar whilst shouting "Ginger for life!" or just chin-wagging with an old pal or two, but we do know that she looks suspiciously fit for the hour of 5. We might even say she looks totally sober and compos mentis...
But that ain't our style.
Nicola's famous barnet (which is normally so amazingly groomed and shiny and carroty) is a mess.
A big, unkempt, i-danced-and-whipped-my-hair-and-got-all-sweaty-doing-some-bump-n-grind-and-it-got-all-tangled, mess.
So therefore she must have been drunk (makes sense, dunnit?).
But at least she's happy.
That's it really... I just love a ginge, don't you?

Sunday 6 March 2011

Willow Smith is AMAZING x2

And while she was warming up the crowd at the National Indoor Arena, she also nabbed the Outstanding New Artist Award at the NAACP Image Awards in Los Angeles.

The daughter of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith tweeted after receiving the news, posting: ‘OMG… just got word that I won an NAACP Image Award… SO honored & so excited.’
Her proud parents chaperoned her to Birmingham and sat in the audience while the Whip My Hair singer rocked out on stage before Bieber started his 90 minute set.

She sang and danced on stage in a royal blue and pink Adidas tracksuit, alongside her backup dancers, also dressed in brightly coloured outfits.
How epic is she?


A lot of people are having a bit of a panic over Cheryl's current reported unhappyness. But I think that they have missed the real story here...
Look at the picture...
Now can you see what's wrong?
Do you want a clue?
Where is she from?

That's right NEWCASTLE, and as a geordie myself I saw the problem instantly. SHE IS WEARING A COAT!!!!!!!!!!
no true geordie in their right mind would ever wear a coat...she needs therapy

Look, it's Katie Price

Oh no, my bad, it's just Olly Murs, and he's just pulling a stupid face to show what a wacky, madcap, crazy fun guy he is. What a hoot.
Still, if - alright, when - Olly's singing career goes tits up, it's nice to know he can make it as a Jordan impersonator.

I want to BE a cardigan...

wow, that is the first time in my life that i have ever wanted to be an item of knitwear...
If, before I'd seen these pictures, you'd asked us if a multi-coloured stripey cardigan could be sexy on a man, we would have made the most dismissive face imaginable and you would have felt so small. So small like Derek Hough's dick
But now that David Beckham and Adam Levine have both worn the Ralph Lauren creation (wow, Rachel Green works there), it's making me feel all funny.
I actually like to think that David and Adam (mmm, nice solid man names) are secret mates who enjoy sharing clothes, and therefore that it's the same cardigan, soaked in a delicious cocktail of Levine sweat and Beckham musk.
And that's a celebrity perfume I'd actually buy

A New Mini Posh...

Reports in The Scum Sun yesterday  claim that the Beckham's unborn child is the spitting image of her mam.
The Sun made up some shit 'revealed' last month that Posh had been told she was expecting a girl, although she deneys these roumours, saying that even she doesn't know yet.
But now it is reported that the five months' pregnant former Spice Girl had a 4D (what is that anyway?)scan in Los Angeles last week.

A gobby loser who has never met Posh said: "She's so happy.
"She and David are dying to tell the world they're expecting a daughter. The boys mean the world to them but having a girl is a new adventure."
The freak goes on "It showed her in extraordinary detail. Everyone is ecstatic. Victoria said she has her nose."
...Poor thing

Saturday 5 March 2011

MORE tats

Simon Cowell disapproves of Cher Lloyd's tattoo

As we know, Cher Lloyd has got her tats out on Twitter for all to see. As reported in the Nine 'O Clock News, these are the latest indelible offerings from the X Factor brat. Cher is a proper rebel you see and all that swag getting needs some edgy tattoos to match.
However, Simon Cowell doesn't quite agree and has reportedly told Cher he disapproves of her ink. Not that Cher is fussed:
'Even though Simon doesn't approve of tattoos the thing is I'm my own person and think it'd be cool to get another one.'
Another one? That would make eight - she's only small, there would be no room left!

Many 13 year old lads want to be this bloke when they grow up

Every job comes with its perks and in the case of Rihanna’s security guard, it’s in the form of her perks.
As she was leaving a shop in Sydney yesterday, her security guard obviously felt the need to protect her most important assets.
And, as he obviously couldn’t complete a full reach around, the security guard employed a small kangaroo to guard the other boob.

Cheryl is currently crying out of one eye...

So, what do we know about Cheryl Cole's involvement in US X Factor now?
Very little. And unfortunately, it sounds like she's pretty clueless too. And even those rumours that she's about to get a disgusting amount of money to stay on the UK show aren't making her happy - apparently, she's feeling sad (so sad, it's a sad sad situation) and is sick of hanging around in America.
"I feel like I’ve had enough," is what she's been telling her mates (Spuggy and Winston from Byker Grove, presumably). "I want to go home. On the outside I’m smiling, inside I’m crying."
Wow, how dramatic - has she been locked away in a hotel room watching reallyREALLYbad American soaps or something?
"I feel as if I’m being torn in so many different directions," she whinges goes on. "Simon wants me to do one thing, but others expect me to do something else - I don’t know who I am anymore."
"I keep getting told to smile, smile, smile - to show more hair and teeth - but it’s hard when I feel so sad on the inside. The more stressed I get, the more I smile because that’s what people want from me. I just don’t know what to do."
I think that you need to come back here to Newcastle (even though it's freezing and miserable) and you need to dress up in your smallest dress, go clubbing and get completely splattered...

I love you Lily Allen

It’s only Lily ‘I’m not a hypocrite, honest!’ Allen. Despite having a really amazing rant about The X Factor last year, it’s thought that she’s being lined up to replace Simon Cowell in the new series here in the UK.
It’s being reported that Lily has been ‘sounded out’(whatever that means) when it comes to the new series, with Simon reckoning she’d be good at telling it straight on the panel.
Although a source for Lily wouldn’t confirm whether she’s committed to any TV appearances, we imagine she’d be in her element sat on the panel, telling everyone they’re rubbish. It’s what she does on Twitter all the time.
Take this tweet, written back in August, for example: “X Factor FAIL. Too set up/scripted in my humble opinion... it’s shit. FACT! It's everything that I detest about modern western culture. Cowell is the only one who really benefits. I don't know how Simon Cowell has managed to get away with essentially copywriting the talent contest. It's beyond me, really.
“I've better things to do with my time than feed the nation with the notion that doing cover versions will sort your life out. I'd rather actually eat my own crap than sit next to any of those goons. Except Cheryl, obvs.”
You can just taste the saracsm can't you? (and i still have that Cheryl Tweedy song on my i-pod...)


After her X Factor contract in the US was ripped up and spat on (maybe allegedly who the hell knows what’s going on anyway?), Cheryl Cole has apparently been offered around a million quid to stay on the show in the UK.
And the pretty lady is said to be seriously considering it, as it’s double what she got paid last time. A gobby source said: “Cheryl is thrilled about the new deal. She thought her days on the UK X Factor were behind her but the money is too good to refuse.”
Big gob continued: “This is Simon's way of making it up to Cheryl for not landing her the US X Factor gig. He's handing her a €2million dream pay day.
“She was convinced Simon had pulled all the strings to get her on the judging panel but it's been a disaster. Now Cheryl will make twice the money she was on last year.
“Cheryl is thrilled about the new deal. She thought her days on the UK X Factor were behind her but the money is too good to refuse.
This pleases us – we didn’t like the thought of losing Cheryl to a bunch of folk who don’t appreciate her little dimples and single crying eye.

I wondered if you might like to read my poem?

My poem is called ‘Messing About with Air Rifles’
It was just another day at the Chelsea training ground,
Big match this weekend but Ashley was messing around.
“Oi boys look what I’ve got!” he cried full of glee,
And the others ran to come and see.
“Is is porn?” asked Lampard, clapping his hands
“Is it that b*tch with the radioactive tan?”
“No” replied Ashley “Cheryl’s left me, remember?”
He withdrew from his kit bag and holding it tender,
Revealed an air rifle, and (like all proper men)
They tussled and fought, but then,
The work experience kid rocked up, and following tradition,
Spoiled their fun by asking “do you have permission,
To have firearms in the changing rooms?”
But the innocent kid had sealed his doom.
Like all proper lads would’ve done,
Cole raised the barrel of his shiny new gun,
“BANG” he shouted, and the other lads chuckled,
Like over-paid morons happy to talk with their knuckles.
“Give that here” cried the kid, grabbing it from Ashley,
“You can’t be trusted” and then it turned nasty.
And in the following tussle the trouble got bigger,
As poor Ashley accidently pulled the trigger.
As blood poured from work experience kid’s side,
“I didn’t do it” Ashley helplessly lied,
“just like I didn’t sleep with that cocktail waitress,
Ancelotti will be mad and cancel my pay check”
The newspapers will go mental, especially The Sun,
And Cheryl will never forgive what I’ve done.
Another apology, another black mark by my name,
Another month of hanging my head in shame.”
But Lampard sat by him, and, as well as he could,
Comforted him whilst the placement kid lost blood.
“It’s not that bad, though insults will he hurled,
You could be semi-naked in The News of the World,
You could be starkers on some gobby model’s phone,
And still be convincing your ex-Wife to let you back home.”
But as the placement kid lay still, Ashley’s tears started anew,
And Frank said, “but look on the bright side, it was just a .22”
Do you like it?