Monday 7 March 2011

You Look Happy

Is this why we never see pictures of Jordan smiling? Because she’s only genuinely happy when she’s running like an absolute goon, with her peepers squeezed shut and cheesy beats blaring out over her stupid headphones.
Jordan was running the half-marathon at Silverstone for charity yesterday and managed to finish the race despite having an injured knee.
She wrote on Twitter: “I had amazing day with AMAZING people running for charities my knee has gone again but we all completed it ill post pic of medals later.
“Well done everyone who ran the silverstone half marathon from what I saw you were all fantasic and helped me get through to the end.”
Jordan also took the opportunity to set straight a few rumours written in yesterday’s News of the World. It was reported that she came onto Jamie Foxx at the Oscars party in LA, with her angling for a kiss and passing the actor man her number.
But Jordan wrote on Twitter: “Such a shame a nice and innocent meeting with the charming gent jamie fox is turned into something sordid!!”
She added that she was sooooo not bovvered about stories written in the People about Alex Reid sleeping with someone else. Jordan wrote: “When The People called re Alex sleeping with sum girl my response was that what Alex does is no longer my concern.”
Right, is that everything? All the rumours out of the way? Tweets done with? No more silly pictures to laugh at? Good.

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