Sunday 6 March 2011

A New Mini Posh...

Reports in The Scum Sun yesterday  claim that the Beckham's unborn child is the spitting image of her mam.
The Sun made up some shit 'revealed' last month that Posh had been told she was expecting a girl, although she deneys these roumours, saying that even she doesn't know yet.
But now it is reported that the five months' pregnant former Spice Girl had a 4D (what is that anyway?)scan in Los Angeles last week.

A gobby loser who has never met Posh said: "She's so happy.
"She and David are dying to tell the world they're expecting a daughter. The boys mean the world to them but having a girl is a new adventure."
The freak goes on "It showed her in extraordinary detail. Everyone is ecstatic. Victoria said she has her nose."
...Poor thing

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