Monday 7 March 2011

Awwww, poor Dougie McFly

Let’s hope Dougie Poynter (what a stuid name) isn’t allowed to read the papers in that posh rehab of his – on the same day it emerged the cute little McFly man I'd like to squeeze in a sexy way had taken himself off to the Priory, Frankie was snapped leaving a pretentious restaurant with her new boyfriend Wayne Bridge (who is a footballer, and therefor a utter wanker).
I'm guessing that Frankie wasn’t aware that Dougie was in rehab recovering from the stress of their break up, because she surely wouldn’t have gone out to a wanky nightspot (with such a wanky guy) otherwise. 
Before the story broke in yesterday’s papers, Tom McFly and Harry McFly explained the situation to their fans over Twitter.
Harry wrote: “Doug is in rehab. He's just taking some time out. He's fine and is so please dont worry. He can't wait for the tour!!! I'll send him your love.”
Tom added: “He’s just been having a tough time lately and needed a few weeks rest so he's fighting fit and ready to slap that bass for you on tour.”
And after visiting Dougie  who I'd like to rub up against sensually on Sunday, Harry said: “I’m questioning my life at the moment. We’re best friends.” 
This story makes me a bit sad – the McFly boys are nice and normal and I like them. Let’s go and stare at the sunshine for a bit. Not directly, that would be stupid...and anyway, we northeners don't like sunlight... 

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