Monday 7 February 2011

That makes you look STUPID Christina

Christina Aguilera made a bit of a boo boo at yesterday’s Super Bowl event – she sang the words to the American anthem wrong.

Rather than singing “O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming,” Christina said: “What so proudly we watched at the twilight's last reaming”.

Whereas we think both versions are a bit silly, we can imagine this is a massive deal over in the States – they bloody love a bit of patriotism, they do.

On the other hand, we just Googled God Save the Queen and discovered it includes the line “frustrate their knavish tricks”, which we’ve never heard before in our lives.

Friday 4 February 2011

JLS and Alexandra Burke strip off to launch clothing label 2KX

Just look at the pictures....

Cher Lloyd Update...

Cher Lloyd working with Lady Gaga and Rihanna producers on upcoming album
The teenage rapper, who has been in the States working on her music, posted a You Tube video updating fans on what she’d been up to.
She said: “I flew over to America to start working on my album.
“My first stop was Miami where I got to work with  The Runners. We did two tracks and I’m very proud of them and I cannot wait for everybody to hear them.”
Hip-Hop production duo The Runners have just finished working on Rihanna’s latest album, Loud.
Other artists they have produced songs for include Justin Bieber, Usher, Akon and Ludacris.
Cher continued: “I also went to another studio where I met RedOne, and that day I got to meet Lil Wayne!”
Swedish producer RedOne is the man responsible for most of Lady Gaga’s megahits, including Bad Romance, Just Dance and Poker Face, making him one of the hottest names in pop music right now.
He is also no stranger to X Factor alumni, having produced songs for 2008 winner Alexandra Burke.
Cher also revealed in the video how much she is enjoying life as a pop star, saying: “I love getting in to the studio, pumped up and ready to go to put my vocal on a track because I feel it’s the place I belong.
“I literally live in the studio nowadays so it’s really good to be able to make the tracks I want to make. I can’t wait for the album to come out and for everyone to hear it.”

I almost felt sorry for Justin Beiber...

Hold on.
Yep, it's passed.
In this here video, Justin Bieber gets booed by fans at a Knicks game (we know that's basketball from Friends and Sex and the City - see, TV is educational) just for existing. For a tiny, tiny second he looks crestfallen and we almost, almost wanted to give him a little cuddle. Then he recovers, looks smug, and some hysterical girl cries. It's quite funny. But not as funny as the stupid bow tie he's wearing.

Natalie Portman looks VERY Pregnant...

At the various awards ceremonies she's been swanning around at recently, Natalie Portman's looked varying degrees of pregnant. It turns out though, that when she's not dressed up in borrowed maternity couture, she's more at the "effing hell, how very very pregnant" level. Either that, or her stomach has what we believe they refer to as "popped" some time in the last few days.
We can't wait to see how beautiful her baby is. Fingers crossed it doesn't come out with scary black wings (lame Black Swan joke, go to the cinema please).